Enabling Data Informed Decision Making at the Port of Trois Rivieres
Port traffic management informed by the real-time monitoring of truck movements
Port of Trois-Rivières
Enabling Data Informed Decision Making at the Port of Trois Rivieres
Located between Montreal and Quebec City on the St. Lawrence River, the Port of Trois-Rivières is an inland port with capacity to serve cargo, bulk and cruise ships.
As the COVID-19 pandemic has created significant disruption to global supply chains, the port wanted to take a proactive approach to managing increased gate-times (time trucks spend waiting to enter terminal gates) and turn-times (time truck spend in the terminal area), port to city traffic congestion, and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
SMATS was chosen to help the port authority gain greater visibility intro truck movements and optimize the operations of its terminals.
Download The Case Study to Learn:
- the customized design and deployment of SMATS’ Traffic Management Solution
- the key performance indicators collected and data insights
- integration of the project into the port authority’s decision-making process